Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A most remarkable person

Meet Tom.
He serves faithfully in our Bishopric.  In spite of Lou Gehrig's disease. He is confined to his wheel chair and finds it very difficult to speak but his mind is still as sharp as can be.  Only abut 3 years ago he held influential positions in the military.  Highly respected still.  He has a monitor attached to his wheelchair that allows him to navigate and to speak with it's mechanical voice by the movement of his eye.  Mother's day was his son's missionary farewell.  He fine young giving son spoke, fully prepared for his mission.  His wife talked on service and the difficulty to be on the receiving end.  This choice daughter of God is a strong example to everyone.  Then Tom spoke with his computer voice the talk he prepared himself with much time and effort.  It was so wonderful to be there and witness his courage and love.  His theme was  Love one another and, did I say "love one another".  He got his point across.  We were all so moved by him and his family.  I made my way to the front to thank him personally for his great inspiring talk.

 This is a mother's day I shall ever be grateful for.  No mushy talks that make all mother's think they are not good enough to ever hope for the praise of their children and go home in tears or at least a twinge of guilt in their hearts.  We all went home thankful for models like Tom and his valiant family to show us what real champions do.


  1. How neat. I'll have to show Brenda this. Thanks for sharing.

  2. that sounds nice. I thought our ward was cute, they had the young men speak, all of them it was kinda funny.
