1 Nephi 18:16
Praise and no whining

16 Nevertheless,
I did look unto my God, and I did apraise
all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of
mine afflictions.
though he was bound and his wrists and ankles were swollen and there
was a tempest going on he never lost faith.]
Nephi praised God because he could see
the bigger picture and he could see the hand of the Lord in all
things. He trusted God and knew that His purposes would be
Job Chapter 5
counsels Job: Man is born unto trouble, seek unto God, and happy is
the man whom God corrects.
Chapter 13
testifies of his confidence in the Lord and says, Though He slay me,
yet will I trust in Him, and He also will be my salvation.
Chapter 19
25 For
I a
know that my b
redeemer liveth,
and that ch
eshall d
stand at
the latter day upon
the earth:
Even with all of
Jesus' trials and being nailed on a cross,He understood and forgave.
Luke 23:34
¶Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them;
for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast
President Monson
Attitude of Gratitude
the leprosy of yesteryear are the plagues of today. They linger; they
debilitate; they destroy. They are to be found everywhere. Their
pervasiveness knows no boundaries. We know them as selfishness,
greed, indulgence, cruelty, and crime, to identify but a few.
Surfeited with their poison, we tend to criticize, to complain, to
blame, and, slowly but surely, to abandon the positives and adopt the
negatives of life.
is a wonderful time to be living here on earth. Our opportunities are
limitless. While there are some things wrong in the world today,
there are many things right, such as teachers who teach, ministers
who minister, marriages that make it, parents who sacrifice, and
friends who help.
can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in
the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an
attitude of gratitude. If ingratitude be numbered among the serious
sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues.
could we reflect upon our lives as individuals. We will soon discover
much to prompt our personal gratitude.
would be extremely difficult to see the good when you are bound to a
post by your oppressors and a storm looms above to destroy everyone
in your realm. Nephi set the example as he said that he did not
did not murmur even on the cross in great pain.
can we keep a positive attitude and praise God when we are going
through overwhelming trials?
is something about gratitude and positive thinking that brings power
to us in hard times. They give us courage and faith. Always express
gratitude to God and to others for the good they do. Think about the
positive things you can say and do for others. In doing those things
we will feel peace and joy.
gardener has planted and weeded and watered and fed and hoed. He or
she has worked and sweat and then they pick and prepare more and
finally enjoy the fruits of their labors.
we plant a seed, we always have a vision in mind of what it may
become. We realize that that tiny little seed can become a carrot or
a head of cabbage. It is the final reward that we are seeking but as
we work we grow. Our muscles grow or ache depending on the
circumstances. We breath fresh air and get the exercise we need. In
the end, we enjoy the goodness of the food we produce.
is like canning fruits and vegetables from our gardens to store for
the winter. It is a lot of hard work money to be spent up front but
when we are aching and exhausted we can look at the results of our
labors and know that we can make it though the “winter” or the
sparse times. The future is brighter because we have prepared.
we hold to the rod and keep our eye on the tree then we can partake
of the delicious, sweet celestial fruit and find eternal happiness.
It is that positive attitude and gratitude that will see us there.
Your Blessings
C 78:
17 Verily,
verily, I say unto you, ye are alittle
and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath
in his own hands and prepared for you;
18 And
ye cannot abear all
things now; nevertheless, be of good bcheer,
for I will clead you
along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and
the drichesof eeternity are
19 And
he who receiveth all things with athankfulnessshall
be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto
him, even an bhundred
yea, more.
God From Whom All Blessings Flow
thee For Everything
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