Nephi 18:13

Stir Our Remembrance
13 Wherefore,
they knew not whither they should steer the ship, insomuch that there
arose a great a storm,
yea, a great and terrible tempest, and we were driven back
upon the waters for the space of three days; and they began to be
frightened exceedingly lest they should be drowned in the sea;
nevertheless they did not loose me.
say that misery loves company! They were stubborn and mean and even
though they were afraid they did not want to repent and release Nephi
from the cords. That would mean they would have to admit that they
were wrong.
are two other times when a great storm came for the Lord's purposes.
¶But the Lord sent
out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in
the sea, so that the ship was like to be broken.
And, behold, there arose a great tempest in
the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he
was asleep.
1:17 (King Benjamin is speaking of this occasion when Nephi was bound
and he tells why)
Therefore, as they were unfaithful they
did not prosper nor progress in their journey, but were driven back,
and incurred the displeasure of God upon them; and therefore they
were smitten with famine and sore afflictions,
stir them up in remembrance of
their duty.
might remember the incident in Matt. 8:24 When Christ calmed the sea
as we read this scripture. He has all power over the elements.
President Monson-
Sacred Trust
pause to consider the consequences. Remember who you are and what God
expects you to become. You are a child of promise. You are a man of might. You
are a son of God.
Bp. Keith B. McMullin,
Path of Duty
our day, the Lord said, “The heavens shall shake, and also the
earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but
my people will I preserve.”1 Moses
7:61 emphasis
added.] We
should take great comfort in this promise.
disasters completely disrupt “the even tenor of [our
ways],”2 [Joseph F.
Smith, Gospel
Doctrine, 5th
ed. (1939), 156.] they do not have to leave our lives forever
shattered. They can “stir [us] up in remembrance,”3 Mosiah
1:17 “awaken
[us] to a sense of [our] duty to God,”4 Alma
7:22 and
keep us “in the path of [our] duty.”5 Helaman
bear my witness that our path of duty is clearly marked by an
undivided faith and belief in God, the Eternal Father, and in His
Son, Jesus Christ, and in the power of prayer. This path is to be
traveled by all of God’s children who love Him and desire to keep
His commandments. For the young, it leads to personal achievement and
preparation; for adults, it leads to renewed faith and resolve; for
the older generation, it leads to perspective and endurance in
righteousness to the end. It equips every faithful traveler with the
strength of the Lord, protects him from the evils of the day, and
endows him with the knowledge that “the conclusion of the whole
matter [is to] Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this
is the whole duty of man.”26 emphasis
added.] In
the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
2016 Gong
Remember Him
The Lord’s hand in our lives is often clearest in hindsight. As
Christian philosopher Søren Kierkegaard put it: “Life must be
understood backward. But … it must be lived forward.”9
Third, we can always remember Him by trusting when the Lord
assures us, “He who has repented of his sins, the same is
forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.”11
Sometimes life tests our trust in Christ’s mercy, justice, and
judgment and in His liberating invitation to allow His Atonement
to heal us as we forgive others and ourselves.
As Amulek teaches, we remember Him when we pray over our
fields, our flocks, and our households and when we remember
the needy, the naked, the sick and afflicted.23
we do not know where to steer the ship we are on in this life. Life
tosses us to and fro also. Our trials become overwhelming. If we
are stubborn and deny that God lives or that He can help us in our
dilemma then He will not. As with Laman and Lemuel, He can not guide
us because we are not listening. We will be tossed and torn and
those troubles can serve to remind us that He lives and has all
power. If we turn to our Savior, Jesus Christ and cast our burdens
on him then we will be able to accomplish all things through Him.
4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
have personally put this scripture to the test many times and
experienced the courage I needed to carry on, to have faith and trust
in Him. Our trials will help us to become better, stronger, happier
people. Ask yourself, “what am I to learn from this” How can
I use my agency to make better choices.” We can only control our
own thoughts and how we will react to life's situations. We cannot
control others actions but we can remember that God loves all His
children. Being Christlike in all our thoughts and actions will help
to calm the stormy seas of life and see us through to a brighter day.
Cast Thy Burden on The Lord 22
Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain
thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
Nephi's Courage
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