Friday, December 30, 2016

Glad Tidings-Finding Joy-3 Nephi:1:26

3 Nephi 1:26
Glad tidings- finding Joy
 26 And thus the ninety and second year did pass away, bringing aglad tidings unto the people because of the signs which did come to pass, according to the words of the prophecy of all the holy prophets.

The people were happy about the coming of the Savior. Glad tidings means good news or the gospel.

Because they knew that they would be blessed with the Atonement and all of His teachings. That salvation of man would come to pass.

Luke 2:10
10  And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
Isa. 40:9
9  ¶O Zion, that bringest goodtidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!


Isa. 40:9
O Zion, that bringest good tidings.

Isa. 52:7D&C 128:19

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings

1 Cor. 9:14
14  Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.
this verse is speaking of the birth of Jesus Christ and the coming of the gospel which brings joy to all men.

OCTOBER 1986 Joy Cometh in the Morning”
Russell M. Nelson Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

My The title of my message is taken from the thirtieth Psalm, verse 5 [Ps. 30:5]: “Joy cometh in the morning.” As I discussed this scripture with members of our family, they recalled that “men are, that they might have joy” (2 Ne. 2:25), but they had not pondered the intriguing concept that “joy cometh in the morning.
dear ones,” I replied, “in order to experience true joy in the morning, or at any time, at least three factors are needed. You need to feel good about the people with whom you live and work—your companions in life. You must feel good about yourself—not in any sense of conceit, but simply a proper esteem for yourself, well deserved. And possibly most important, you must feel good about your relation to God and sincerely love him.”
As I so counseled my family in that conversation, we all might consider those three steps to achieve real joy in life.
The crowning attribute that leads to joy is love of God. Even that first look in the mirror can be more enjoyable knowing we are created in his image. Each of us can say, as did the Apostle, “Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance” (Acts 2:28; see also Ps. 16:11).
God, who gave us life, also gave us commandments to live by, that we might have joy. They have been revealed periodically by prophets from Adam to President Benson. One wrote this expression: “Consider … the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual” (Mosiah 2:41).
But for those who have not known his ways or who have strayed from them, remember, it is not too late to change. Blessings from faith and repentance still can be yours.
Our family experienced that in a special way recently as our youngest daughter was sealed to her eternal companion in the holy temple. To witness this event, along with other family members, were her parents and all eight of her older sisters and their husbands. For us, there was truly joy in the morning on that day. Then we really felt the scriptural truth, “Men are, that they might have joy” (2 Ne. 2:25).
These experiences, glorious as they are, become but prelude to that great day ahead, when the faithful will stand at the latter day upon the earth. They shall abide the Second Coming of the Lord and shall stand with him when he appears (see Mal. 3:2–123 Ne. 24:2–12). On that joyous morning, the mirror will reflect the miracle of the first resurrection. The faithful shall be crowned with glory, immortality, and eternal life (see D&C 75:5D&C 138:51).
Once again “morning stars [will] sing together, and … all the sons [and daughters] of God [will] shout for joy!” (D&C 128:23; see also Job 38:7). For on that morning, “the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together” (Isa. 40:5; see also Ezek. 20:48Luke 3:6D&C 101:23).
Then, “there’ll be peace and contentment evermore, ev’ry heart, ev’ry voice on that day will rejoice. … There’ll be joy in the morning on that day” (Natalie Sleeth, “Joy in the Morning,” Carol Stream, Illinois: Hope Publishing Co., 1977, pp. 4–5, 9–10). It shall be ours—through our faithfulness—I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
There are troubles and trials and there will be sorrow and anguish but the knowledge of our Savior can be an anchor to keep us grounded and be the source of strength that we need to make it through every trial and it will be the wellspring of countless blessings which will bring joy. The Joy of faith in the future day when we will be forgiven of all our sins and shortcomings and the knowledge of eternal life with exaltation for those who really try to be good is certainly a source of joy and gladness. The gospel is really glad tidings to all men.
One of the best ways to feel joy is to share the glad tiding with others.

Joy to The World

151- I am Glad For Many Things
265- Be Happy

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