Ron is not a member of our Church but he is a religious man with high principals and has probably been a church goer all his life and now goes to our church with his wife who is a convert from RLDS. He has been out of work for some time. they love horses and have several and remind me so much of our old rodeo days. Jerry was immediately drawn to him when he first saw him. the first time I saw them I thought they were a missionary couple. He is looking for a job in the funeral industry and is a licensed funeral director etc. (thanks to Tom for some leads). turns out that his niece works in Boise with Tom. When Ron needed a suit Jerry just went home and got an extra one that he brought for what reason he didn't know then. It was a perfect fit. the day he came in was ONE day before his funeral director license ran out. Mike was able to help him get it renewed easily.
When Ron first came in he was looking for a job as a truck driver because that is what he did in the past and in the last job he had. It is his safety net.
Today he and his wife came in for final help on his resume' and Jerry had some more job leads. He stayed and worked with Jerry and Mike for a couple of hours and Mike asked him if he would like a blessing. Jerry gave it and it was a spiritual high. very touching and promising and well recieved.
We do not believe in coincidencs. the Lord leads these people here and it is pretty special to see a plan come together for them.
After that, Mike shared his very special story of Katrina. (for another time)
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