Nephi 20:14

14 All ye, assemble yourselves, and hear; who among
them [might
be referring to Israel's idols]
hath declared these things
[Prophecies] unto them?[Israel] The Lord hath
loved him;[Israel]
yea, and he will afulfil his word which he hath
declared by them;[the
prophets] and he will do his pleasure on bBabylon,and his arm shall come upon the Chaldeans.
be destroyed].
book of Mormon Seminary Teacher's Manual Chapter 21
Remind students that when Nephi shared the
prophecies of Isaiah, he urged his brethren, “Liken them
unto yourselves” (1 Nephi 19:24).
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Invite students to share examples they have seen of
people coming to the Lord and leaving behind
worldliness. Have students search 1 Nephi 20:18,looking for blessings the Lord gives to those who
come to Him and hearken to His commandments.
counsel is given by Isaiah because the Lord loved Israel.
teacher's Book of Mormon manual lesson 21
Explain that Isaiah was a prophet who lived in
Jerusalem and prophesied to the people between 740B.C. and 701 B.C., not long before Lehi and his
departed for their promised land. Nephi delighted in
the words of Isaiah and used Isaiah’s prophecies to
teach his family (see 1 Nephi 19:23; 2 Nephi 25:5).Because Isaiah’s words are poetic and filled with
symbolism, people sometimes find his teachings
difficult to understand. However, we can receive
blessings as we study his words and seek to understand
Explain that as Nephi taught his family, he read some of
the words of Isaiah that had been included in the brass
plates. He did this so that he “might more fully
persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer”(1 Nephi 19:23; see also verse 24).
message of this verse is to repent and come unto Christ.
from seminary
teachers manual book of Mormon lesson 21
As Nephi taught members of his family, he read from
the brass plates, focusing on Isaiah’s prophecies about
the scattering and gathering of Israel. Then he
answered his brothers’ questions about those
prophecies. He explained that the prophecies applied
directly to their family. Echoing the words of Isaiah,Nephi testified that the Lord would gather His
people—that even when the people did not live up to
their covenants, the Lord loved them and invited them
to repent and return to Him.
(the manual quotes a
conference address by President Uchtdorf 4/07
Point of Safe
Have a student read the following statement by
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the First Presidency.
Invite students to ponder how it relates to 1 Nephi 20.
“Satan … wants us to feel that we are beyond
forgiveness (see Revelation 12:10). Satan wants us to
think that when we have sinned we have gone past a‘
point of no return’—that it is too late to change our
course. …
“… The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the gift of God to
His children to correct and overcome the consequences
of sin. God loves all of His children, and He will never
cease to love and to hope for us. …
“Christ came to save us. If we have taken a wrong
course, the Atonement of Jesus Christ can give us the
assurance that sin is not a point of no return. A safe
return is possible if we will follow God’s plan for our
salvation. …
“… There is always a point of safe return; there is always
hope” (“Point of Safe Return,” Ensign or Liahona, May2007, 99, 101).
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Testify that the Lord invites those who have been
disobedient to repent and return to Him. Assure
students that the Lord loves us individually and always
invites us to come to Him. Invite them to ponder what
the Lord would invite them to leave behind so they can
come to Him more completely.
can certainly see the similarity between our world and Babylon. We
are encouraged to not be of the world even though we are in the
world. To distinguish that which is wrong and distance ourselves
from it. In order to do this we must cling to the right, The gospel
of Jesus Christ. It takes constant study and prayer to stay focused
and able to receive the spirit to guide us in the right way. This
would mean avoiding evil that we find all around us on the internet,
TV, in government. It means to avoid drugs and alcohol and to cling
to the word of wisdom. It means to be kind instead of rude and
abrasive and so much more. We leave Babylon to achieve the promised
land. That land is within our homes a place of safety and peace is
we live worthily. Eventually that promised land will be the Celestial
Kingdom where families will dwell together in peace.