Nephi 20:9

9 Nevertheless,
for my aname’s sake
will I defer mine anger, and for my praise will I refrain from thee,
that I cut thee not off.
will not totally destroy you.
the Lord have a reputation to uphold of being merciful, for my glory
and honor ,
am in the business of saving people, not destroying them. I have
atoned for your sins, I do not want to loose you. You have been bad,
but I will control or defer my anger against you.
1 Sam.
For the Lord will not forsake his people for his
great name’s sake:
because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people.
1 Jn.
Neither is there salvation in
any other: for there is none other nameunder
heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
is Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer His mission is to save us
from our sins. He is a God of Mercy and love.
Thomas s. Monson (1st
couns. 1st
Divine Gift
brilliant and faith-filled counselors to President David O. McKay
spoke to us everlasting counsel concerning the greatest act of mercy
ever known to man. President Stephen L Richards said: “The Savior
himself declared that he came to fulfill the law, not to do away with
it, but with the law he brought the principle of mercy to temper its
enforcement, and to bring hope and encouragement to [the] offenders
for forgiveness through [mercy and] repentance.”3
J. Reuben Clark, Jr., testified: “You know, I believe that the Lord
will help us. I believe if we go to him, he will give us wisdom, if
we are living righteously. I believe he will answer our prayers. I
believe that our Heavenly Father wants to save every one of his
children. I do not think he intends to shut any of us off because of
some slight transgression, some slight failure to observe some rule
or regulation. There are the great elementals that we must observe,
but he is not going to be captious about the lesser things.
believe that his juridical concept of his dealings with his children
could be expressed in this way: I believe that in his justice
and mercy, he will give us the maximum reward for our acts, give us
all that he can give, and in the reverse, I believe that he will
impose upon us the minimum penalty which it is possible for him to
often think that one of the most beautiful things in the Christ’s
life was his words on the cross, when, suffering under the agony of a
death that is said to have been the most painful that the ancients
could devise, death on the cross, after he had been unjustly,
illegally, contrary to all the rules of mercy, condemned and then
crucified, when he had been nailed to the cross and was about to give
up his life, he said to his Father in heaven, as those who were
within hearing testify: ‘… Father, forgive them; for they know
not what they do’ (Luke
the Book of Mormon, Alma describes beautifully the foregoing with his
words: “The plan of mercy could not be brought about except an
atonement should be made; therefore God himself atoneth for the sins
of the world, to bring about the plan of mercy, to appease the
demands of justice, that God might be a perfect, just God, and a
merciful God also.”6
the springboard of such knowledge we ask ourselves, Why,
then, do we see on every side those instances where people decline to
forgive one another and show forth the cleansing act of mercy and
forgiveness? What blocks the way for such healing balm to cleanse
human wounds? Is it stubbornness? Could it be pride? Maybe hatred has
yet to melt and disappear.“Blame
keeps wounds open. Only forgiveness heals!”7
Prophet Joseph urged, “Be merciful and you shall find mercy. Seek
to help save souls, not to destroy them: for verily you know, that
‘there is more joy in heaven, over one sinner that repents, than
there is over ninety and nine just persons [who] need no
same Jesus, “seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and
when he was set, his disciples came unto him:
merciful to others. Seek to help save souls, not destroy them and
have faith that others will receive mercy, also have faith that we
will receive mercy if we will but accept the atonement of Jesus
Christ. For this purpose, He suffered and died for us.
Stand All Amazed
Said Love Everyone
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