Nephi 1:6

By The Tree
6 And
they began to arejoice over
their brethren, saying: Behold the time is past, and the words of
Samuel are not fulfilled; therefore, your joy and your faith
concerning this thing hath been vain.
unbelievers mocked the saints.
they thought the time had passed so they thought they won this battle
with the Saints. They thought they would escape punishment for their
sins. They were listening to the wrong voice.
Mocking, Mock, Mocker, Mockery
was mocked. Gen 6:8
the Seventy
before President Heber J. Grant passed away, one of the Brethren
visited his home. Before he left, President Grant prayed, “O God,
bless me that I shall not lose my testimony and keep faithful to the
end!”1 After
nearly 27 years as President of the Church, this was his fervent
prayer. His example is a striking reminder that no one, at any age,
is immune from Satan’s influence. Two of Satan’s most powerful
tools are distraction and deception.
to the end is a hallmark of true discipleship and is essential to
eternal life. But when trials and challenges come our way, we are
often told to simply “hang in there.” Let me be clear: to “hang
in there” is not a principle of the gospel. Enduring to the end
means constantly coming unto Christ and being perfected in Him.
enduring to the end is essential to eternal life, why do we struggle
to be faithful? We struggle when we are caught between competing
priorities. Casual obedience and lukewarm commitment weaken faith.
Enduring to the end requires total commitment to the Savior and to
our covenants.
vision of the tree of life is a powerful parable on enduring to the
end. Please prayerfully study and ponder Lehi’s dream; then liken
it unto yourself. As you do, carefully consider six important
principles that help us endure to the end.
1. Don’t Forget to Pray
begin with Lehi alone “in a dark and dreary waste.”2 Each
of us experiences periods of darkness and loneliness. “When life
gets dark and dreary, don’t forget to pray.”3 Follow
President Heber J. Grant’s example. Pray for strength to
endure to the end. Ask Heavenly Father, “What more would You have
me do?”
2. Come unto Christ and Be Perfected in Him
tree of life is the central focus in Lehi’s dream. Everything
points to the tree of life. The tree represents Christ, who is the
clear manifestation of the love of God. The fruit is His infinite
is a path that leads to the tree of life, to Christ. It is strait and
narrow, strict and exact. God’s commandments are strict but not
restrictive. They protect us from spiritual and physical danger and
prevent us from getting lost.
journey is challenging. It’s easy to be distracted, wander off the
path, and get lost. Tribulation is an inevitable and indispensable
part of our eternal progression. When adversity comes, don’t let
something you don’t fully understand unravel everything you do
know. Be patient, cling to truth; understanding
heed is to give careful attention. Heeding those who do not believe
in Christ will not help you find Him. Searching #spaciousbuilding for
knowledge will not lead you to truth. It’s not posted there. Only
the Savior has “the words of eternal life.”8
message is to stay by the tree. We stay because we are converted unto
the Lord. Alma taught, “Behold, he changed their hearts; yea, he
awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God.”11 As
we yield our hearts to God, the Holy Ghost changes our very natures,
we become deeply converted unto the Lord, and we no longer seek the
spacious building. If we stop doing those things that bring about
deepening conversion, we regress spiritually. Apostasy is the reverse
of conversion.
we enter into covenants with God, there is no going back. Giving in,
giving up, and giving out are not options. In the kingdom of God,
there is a standard of excellence for exaltation. It requires valiant
discipleship! There is no room for average or complacent disciples.
Average is the enemy of excellence, and average commitment will
prevent you from enduring to the end.
you are struggling, confused, or spiritually lost, I urge you to do
the one thing I know will get you back on track. Begin again to
prayerfully study the Book of Mormon and live its teachings every
day, every day, every day! I testify of the profound power in the
Book of Mormon that will change your life and strengthen your resolve
to follow Christ. The Holy Ghost will change your heart and help you
see “things as they really are.”12 He
will show you what you need to do next. This is Nephi’s promise to
by the Tree”. We live with opposition every day. Choose to do
what is right. Follow His teachings. Study His word. Study the Book
of Mormon every single day!
the right
will follow God's Plan For Me
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