Nephi 1:4

I Be Ready When He Comes Again?
4 And
it came to pass that in the commencement of the ninety and second
year, behold, the prophecies of the prophets began to be fulfilled
more fully; for there began to be agreater signs
and greater miracles wrought among the people.
do come to pass.
are blessed to be given signs to show us that the Savior came and
that He is coming again.
16:13 (13, 23)
But it came to pass in the ninetieth year of the reign of the judges,
there were great
unto the people, and wonders; and the words of the prophets began to
be fulfilled.
14:3 (3–7)
And behold, this will I give unto you for a sign at
the time of his coming; for behold, there shall be great lights in
heaven, insomuch that in the night before he cometh there shall be no
darkness, insomuch that it shall appear unto man as if it was day.
4 Therefore, there shall be one day and a night and a day, as if it were one day and there were no night; and this shall be unto you for a sign; for ye shall know of the rising of the sun and also of its setting; therefore they shall know of a surety that there shall be two days and a night; nevertheless the night shall not be darkened; and it shall be the night before he is born.
5 And behold, there shall a new star arise, such an one as ye never have beheld; and this also shall be a sign unto you.
6 And behold this is not all, there shall be many signs and wonders in heaven.
7 And it shall come to pass that ye shall all be amazed, and wonder, insomuch that ye shall fall to the earth.
4 Therefore, there shall be one day and a night and a day, as if it were one day and there were no night; and this shall be unto you for a sign; for ye shall know of the rising of the sun and also of its setting; therefore they shall know of a surety that there shall be two days and a night; nevertheless the night shall not be darkened; and it shall be the night before he is born.
5 And behold, there shall a new star arise, such an one as ye never have beheld; and this also shall be a sign unto you.
6 And behold this is not all, there shall be many signs and wonders in heaven.
7 And it shall come to pass that ye shall all be amazed, and wonder, insomuch that ye shall fall to the earth.
But behold, they did watch steadfastly for that
day and
that night and that day which should be as one day as if there were
no night, that they might know that their faith had not been vain.
Dead Sea — The Guide to the Scriptures
- what shall be the sign of thy coming: Matt. 24:3 . ( Mark 13:4 ; Luke 21:7 ; D&C 45:16 ; JS—M 1:4 . )
- false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders: Matt. 24:24 . ( Mark 13:22 ; D&C 45:40 ; JS—M 1:22 . )
- then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: Matt. 24:30 . ( Luke 21:25 ; D&C 45:39 ; JS—M 1:36 . )
- these signs shall follow them that believe: Mark 16:17 . ( Morm. 9:24 ; Ether 4:18 ; D&C 58:64; D&C 84:65 . )
fulfillment of prophecy and as one of the signsof
the second coming of
the Savior, the waters of the Dead Sea will be healed, and life will
flourish there (Ezek. 47:8–9).
Rumor — The Guide to the Scriptures
spreads rumors and contentions—sometimes based partially on
truth—to turn people against God and all good (Hel. 16:22; JS—H
1:1). One of the signs of
the second coming of
Jesus Christ is that people will talk of wars and rumors of wars
(Matt. ...second
Coming of Jesus Christ — The Guide to the ScripturesAt
the beginning of the Millennial Era, Christ will return to the
earth. This event will mark the end of the mortal probation of this
earth. The wicked will be removed from the earth and the righteous
will be caught up in a cloud while the earth is …
signs are about His birth and His second coming. His mission to save
us all. They are the biggest, most important events in all time.
Elder Dallin Oaks
Preparation for the Second Coming
Elder Dallin Oaks
Preparation for the Second Coming
scriptures are rich in references to the Second Coming, an event
eagerly awaited by the righteous and dreaded or denied by the wicked.
The faithful of all ages have pondered the sequence and meaning of
the many events prophesied to precede and follow this hinge point of
matters are indisputable to Latter-day Saints: (1) The Savior will
return to the earth in power and great glory to reign personally
during a millennium of righteousness and peace. (2) At the time of
His coming there will be a destruction of the wicked and a
resurrection of the righteous. (3) No one knows the time of His
coming, but (4) the faithful are taught to study the signs of it and
to be prepared for it. I wish to speak about the fourth of these
great realities: the signs of the Second Coming and what we should do
to prepare for it.
Lord has declared, “He that feareth me shall be looking forth for
the great day of the Lord to come, even for the signs of the coming
of the Son of Man,” signs that will be shown “in the heavens
above, and in the earth beneath” (D&C
another revelation the Lord declares that some of these signs are His
voice calling His people to repentance:
we are powerless to alter the fact of the Second Coming and unable to
know its exact time, we can accelerate our own preparation and try to
influence the preparation of those around us.
parable that contains an important and challenging teaching on this
subject is the parable of the ten virgins. Of this parable, the Lord
said, “And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the
parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins” (D&C
in the 25th chapter of Matthew, this parable contrasts the
circumstances of the five foolish and the five wise virgins. All ten
were invited to the wedding feast, but only half of them were
prepared with oil in their lamps when the bridegroom came. The five
who were prepared went into the marriage feast, and the door was
shut. The five who had delayed their preparations came late. The door
had been closed, and the Lord denied them entrance, saying, “I know
you not” (Matt.
“Watch therefore,” the Savior concluded, “for ye know neither
the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh” (Matt.
and sisters, as the Book of Mormon teaches, “this life is the time
for men to prepare to meet God; … the day of this life is the day
for men to perform their labors” (Alma
Are we preparing?
His preface to our compilation of modern revelation the Lord
declares, “Prepare ye, prepare ye for that which is to come, for
the Lord is nigh” (D&C
Lord also warned: “Yea, let the cry go forth among all people:
Awake and arise and go forth to meet the Bridegroom; behold and lo,
the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Prepare yourselves for
the great day of the Lord” (D&C
see also D&C
are surrounded by challenges on all sides (see 2
Cor. 4:8–9).
But with faith in God, we trust the blessings He has promised those
who keep His commandments. We have faith in the future, and we are
preparing for that future. To borrow a metaphor from the familiar
world of athletic competitions, we do not know when this game will
end, and we do not know the final score, but we do know that when the
game finally ends, our team wins. We will continue to go forward
“till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great
Jehovah shall say the work is done” (History
of the Church, 4:540).
the Savior tells us, “be faithful, praying always, having your
lamps trimmed and burning, and oil with you, that you may be ready at
the coming of the Bridegroom—For behold, verily, verily, I say unto
you, that I come quickly” (D&C
testify of Jesus Christ. I testify that He shall come, as He has
promised. And I pray that we will be prepared to meet Him, in the
name of Jesus Christ, amen.
yourself, “What is my plan for the next 5 years? Will it bring me
closer to Christ? Will I be found better prepared to meet Him than I
am today? How will I prepare myself? How can I help others to
better prepare for this time?
Redeemer of Israel
Wonder When He Comes Again
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