1 Nephi 19:10

Remember Him
10 And
the aGod of
our fathers, who were bled out
of Egypt, out of bondage, and also were preserved in the wilderness
by him, yea, the cGod of
Abraham, and of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, dyieldeth himself,
according to the words of the angel, as a man, into the hands
of ewicked men,
to be flifted
according to the words of gZenock,
and to be hcrucified,
according to the words of Neum, and to be buried in a isepulchre,
according to the words of jZenos,
which he spake concerning the three days of kdarkness,
which should be a sign given of his death unto those who should
inhabit the isles of the sea, more especially given unto those who
are of the lhouse
of Israel.
The death of Jesus, who was the God of
the Old Testament, was foretold. That he would be lifted up and
crucified and buried in a sepulcher and that there would be three
days of darkness which would be a sign of his death to the house of
Jesus willingly gave up His life so that He could atone for the sins
of all mankind. It was the plan before the world was created and so
it was prophesied by many prophets.
Mosiah 7:27
And because he said unto them that Christ was the God,
the Father of all things, and said that he should take upon him
the image of
man, and it should be the image after
which man was created in the beginning; or in other words, he said
that man was created after the image ofGod,
and that God should come down among the children of men, and take
upon him flesh and blood, and go forth upon the face of the earth—
For it is not written
that Zenos alone spake of these things, butZenock also
spake of these things—
2 Nephi 6:9
Nevertheless, the Lord has shown unto me that they
shouldreturn again.
And he also has shown unto me that the Lord God, the Holy One of
Israel, should manifest himself unto them in the flesh; and after he
should manifest himself they should scourge him
and crucifyhim,
according to the words of the angel who spake it unto me.
8:20 (19–20)
And now I would that ye should know, that even since the days of
Abraham there have been many prophets that have testified these
things; yea, behold, the prophet Zenos did
testify boldly; for the which he was slain.
20 And behold, also Zenock, and also Ezias, and also Isaiah, and Jeremiah, (Jeremiah being that same prophet who testified of the destruction of Jerusalem) and now we know that Jerusalem was destroyed according to the words of Jeremiah. O then why not the Son of God come, according to his prophecy?
20 And behold, also Zenock, and also Ezias, and also Isaiah, and Jeremiah, (Jeremiah being that same prophet who testified of the destruction of Jerusalem) and now we know that Jerusalem was destroyed according to the words of Jeremiah. O then why not the Son of God come, according to his prophecy?
Christ, Betrayal of
- assembly of the wicked have inclosed me.
- hath lifted up his heel against me.
- they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.
- I was wounded in the house of my friends.
- Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.
- Son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men.
My brother has called upon the words of Zenos,
that redemption cometh through the Son of God, and also upon the
words of Zenock;
and also he has appealed unto Moses,
to prove that these things are true.
2 Ne.
Nevertheless, the Lord has shown unto me that they
shouldreturn again.
And he also has shown unto me that the Lord God, the Holy One of
Israel, should manifest himself unto them in the flesh; and after he
should manifest himself they should scourge him
and crucifyhim,
according to the words of
And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock:
and he rolled a greatstone to
the door of the sepulchre,
and departed.
Ne. 8:19 (3, 19–23)
Nephi 8:3
And the people began to look with great earnestness for the sign
which had been given by the prophet Samuel, the Lamanite, yea, for
the time that there should be darkness for
the space of three days over the face of the land.
19 And it came to pass that when the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the storm, and the tempest, and the quakings of the earth did cease—for behold, they did last for about the space of three hours; and it was said by some that the time was greater; nevertheless, all these great and terrible things were done in about the space of three hours—and then behold, there wasdarkness upon the face of the land.
19 And it came to pass that when the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the storm, and the tempest, and the quakings of the earth did cease—for behold, they did last for about the space of three hours; and it was said by some that the time was greater; nevertheless, all these great and terrible things were done in about the space of three hours—and then behold, there wasdarkness upon the face of the land.
of Israel
3 Ne.
16:1 (1–4)
And verily, verily, I say unto you that I have other
which are not of this land, neither of the land of Jerusalem, neither
in any parts of that land round about whither I have been to
2 For they of whom I speak are they who have not as yet heard my voice; neither have I at any time manifested myself unto them.
3 But I have received acommandment of the Father that I shall go unto them, and that they shall hear my voice, and shall be numbered among my sheep, that there may be one fold and one shepherd; therefore I go to show myself unto them.
4 And I command you that ye shall write these sayings after I am gone, that if it so be that my people at Jerusalem, they who have seen me and been with me in my ministry, do not ask the Father in my name, that they may receive a knowledge of you by the Holy Ghost, and also of the other tribes whom they know not of, that these sayings which ye shall write shall be kept and shall be manifested unto the Gentiles, that through the fulness of the Gentiles, the remnant of their seed, who shall be scattered forth upon the face of the earth because of theirunbelief, may be brought in, or may be brought to a knowledgeof me, their Redeemer.
2 For they of whom I speak are they who have not as yet heard my voice; neither have I at any time manifested myself unto them.
3 But I have received acommandment of the Father that I shall go unto them, and that they shall hear my voice, and shall be numbered among my sheep, that there may be one fold and one shepherd; therefore I go to show myself unto them.
4 And I command you that ye shall write these sayings after I am gone, that if it so be that my people at Jerusalem, they who have seen me and been with me in my ministry, do not ask the Father in my name, that they may receive a knowledge of you by the Holy Ghost, and also of the other tribes whom they know not of, that these sayings which ye shall write shall be kept and shall be manifested unto the Gentiles, that through the fulness of the Gentiles, the remnant of their seed, who shall be scattered forth upon the face of the earth because of theirunbelief, may be brought in, or may be brought to a knowledgeof me, their Redeemer.
I gave my back to
the smiters,
and my cheeks to
them that plucked off the hair: I hid not
my face from shame and spitting.
I am he who led the
children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; and my arm is stretched
out in the last days, to save my
people Israel.
I am the God of
Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the
God of the dead, but of the living.
10/97 Robert d. Hales
In Remembrance of Jesus
we must remember about the Savior is that He and He alone had the
power to lay down His life and take it up again. He had the ability
to die from His mortal mother, Mary, and the ability to overcome
death from His immortal Father. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, went
willingly and deliberately to His death, having told His followers
that this would happen. Why? one might ask. The answer: to give
immortality to all mankind and the promise of eternal life to those
who believed in Him (seeJohn
to give His own life for a ransom for others (see Matt.
to overcome Satan’s power, and to make it possible for sins to be
forgiven. Without Jesus’ Atonement, there would be an impassable
barrier between God and mortal men and women. When we comprehend the
Atonement, we remember Him with awe and gratitude.
the time for the Atonement was near, the disciples were concerned how
long Jesus would remain with them. He told them that He would not
tarry with them for long but that He would leave a Comforter with
them, the Holy Ghost (see John
For you and me, we have to understand the loving nature of our
Savior. We are not left alone. He has given us this day, through the
Prophet Joseph Smith, a restoration of the gospel in these latter
days. He has provided another testament of Jesus Christ in the Book
of Mormon. He has restored the priesthood and the keys that He gave
to Peter, James, and John when He was with them and they were His
Apostles. They came to Joseph Smith and restored those same keys in
1829. Additional priesthood keys were brought by Elijah, Moses, and
Elias after the appearance of the Savior in the Kirtland Temple on
April 3rd of 1836. These keys have been given for the ordinances of
the temple (seeD&C
have not been left alone. We have the light of Christ and the Holy
Ghost to lead and guide us in an otherwise very dark and dreary
world. The keys of the priesthood have been restored to make
available all of the ordinances that are necessary, that we may
return to His presence.
we follow our Savior, Jesus Christ, and always remember Him in all
that we do and all that we say and in all of the acts of charity
given one to another, that we may know that these things are done in
remembrance of Him.
testify that our Lord Jesus Christ lives and guides and directs His
Church by revelation through His prophet this very day and time. “We
talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we
prophesy of Christ” (2
testify that our Lord Jesus Christ lives and guides and directs His
Church by revelation through His prophet this very day and time. “We
talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we
prophesy of Christ” (2
Ne. 25:26).
We believe in Christ, we remember Him, and we testify of Jesus Christ
our Lord and our Redeemer with the knowledge that He will come again
to earth to reign in glory as King of Kings.
all who profess to be Christians, all who know and testify of Jesus,
come unto Him and follow His teachings and example, being one as
Heavenly Father and Jesus are one in purpose, to unite ourselves, to
lift and strengthen each other, and take upon us one another’s
burdens as our Savior has taken our burdens upon Him, in the name of
Jesus Christ, amen.
I also testify that Jesus is the
Christ. That He atoned for our sins. We can all be forgiven and live
with Him again. What a joyous message this is. With all the trials
we endure, that one day, through Christ we will all be made well
again and be forgiven and have everlasting joy! What greater
blessing could there ever be than this!
86- How Great Thou Art
169-As Now We Take The Sacrament
73-Before I Take The Sacrament
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