Nephi 19:6

A Sacred Book
6 Nevertheless,
I do not write anything
upon plates save it be that I think it be sacred. And now, if I do
err, even did they err of old; not that I would excuse myself because
of other men, but because of the weakness which
is in me, according to the flesh, I would excuse myself.
was very careful to write only the things that he thought were
sacred. He is humble about it and declares that he weak because he
is human so people may find errors because of it but it is as perfect
as he can get it.
quote from the link above-this link will bring you to some wonderful
talks and videos on the scriptures.
Christ taught the value of the scriptures to his disciples. He said
that “whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived.”
Joseph Smith was inspired by the Holy Bible to turn to his Father in
prayer, leading to the opening of the heavens and the restoration of
the gospel in the latter-days.
Prophet Joseph Smith taught, “Those who have read [the scriptures],
and who have drunk of the stream of knowledge which they convey, know
how to appreciate them.” He also said, “He who reads it oftenest
will like it best.”
as Joseph Smith was inspired as he read from the Holy Bible, God’s
children, no matter their situation in life, can receive guidance,
comfort, and inspiration from the scriptures. Prophets and Latter-day
Saints share with us the role the scriptures have played in their
lives and the lives of others.
watch the videos here above entitled. What the scriptures mean to me.
They are very choice and inspiring.
and modern prophets and disciples sacrificed much to preserve and
provide the scriptures. These scriptures now help us measure
correctness and truth, strengthen our faith, and light our
(Download video)
(Download video)
previous verses I have quoted many prophets who have been commanded
to write. All of them chose to write that which is sacred and would
be valuable to people as they read, ponder and pray about them.
and studying the scriptures will bring us to Christ. They are His
words. They are inspired by Him, They are about Him and His
Jeffrey R. Holland Oct.
11 Liahona
The holy affirmations I have had regarding the
Savior and His restored Church first came tome as a young man when I read the Book ofMormon. It was while reading this sacred
record that I felt—again and again—the
undeniable whispering of the Holy Ghostdeclaring to my soul its truthfulness.
Reading the book was the beginning of my
light. It was the source of my first spiritual
certainty that God lives, that He is my Heavenly
Father, and that a plan of happiness was
outlined in eternity for me. It led me to love
the Holy Bible and the other standard works o
the Church. It taught me to love the Lord JesusChrist, to glimpse His merciful compassion,and to consider the grace and grandeur of His
atoning sacrifice.
I further testify that not one of us can come to
full faith in this latter-day work and there
by find the fullest measure of peace and comfort
in our times until he or she embraces the
divinity of the Book of Mormon and the Lord
Jesus Christ, of whom it testifies. As Mormon
said to Moroni in one of their most demanding
times, so I say in our demanding times: “Be
faithful in Christ. … And may the grace of Godthe Father, whose throne is high in the
heavens, and our Lord Jesus Christ, who
sitteth on the right hand of his power … be,and abide with you forever” (Moroni 9:25–26).
Ezra Taft Benson
I further testify that not one of us can come tofull faith in this latter-day work and thereby
find the fullest measure of peace and comfort
in our times until he or she embraces the
divinity of the Book of Mormon and the Lord
Jesus Christ, of whom it testifies. As Mormon
said to Moroni in one of their most demanding
times, so I say in our demanding times: “Be
faithful in Christ. … And may the grace of Godthe Father, whose throne is high in the
heavens, and our Lord Jesus Christ, who
sitteth on the right hand of his power … be,and abide with you forever” (Moroni 9:25–26).
...“The Lord is not trifling with us when he gives us these
things, for ‘unto whomsoever much is given, of him
shall be much required.’ (Luke 12:48.) Access to these
things means responsibility for them. We must study
the scriptures according to the Lord’s commandment(see 3 Ne. 23:1–5); and we must let them govern
I add my voice to these wise and inspired brethren
and say to you that one of the most important things
you can do as priesthood leaders is to immerse
yourselves in the scriptures. Search them diligently.
Feast upon the words of Christ. Learn the doctrine.
Master the principles that are found therein. There
are few other efforts that will bring greater dividends
to your calling. There are few other ways to gain
greater inspiration as you serve.
But that alone, as valuable as it is, is not enough. You
must also bend your efforts and your activities to
stimulating meaningful scripture study among the
members of the Church. Often we spend great effort
in trying to increase the activity levels in our stakes.
We work diligently to raise the percentages of those
attending sacrament meetings. We labor to get a
higher percentage of our young men on missions. We
strive to improve the numbers of those marrying in
the temple. All of these are commendable efforts and
important to the growth of the kingdom. But when
individual members and families immerse themselves
in the scriptures regularly and consistently, these
other areas of activity will automatically come.
Testimonies will increase. Commitment will be
strengthened. Families will be fortified. Personal
revelation will flow.
only sacred things were recorded in the Book of Mormon, it enables us
to feel the sacredness of the book when we study it prayerfully. It
enables us to receive revelation for ourselves. I don't think we as
mortals can fully understand the importance and sacredness of this
book. We can certainly gain great joy from it and direction as we
embrace it's teachings.
An Angel From On High
Book of Mormon Stories
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